Monday November 30, 2020
The buzz word for 2020 is pivot! Realigning to accomplish has been required for most of the world’s population. As we near the end of this year of change, it is good to re-evaluate and see if what once was a priority still ranks high! Do you need to step away and do some soul searching? If you asked several intimate friends and family, could they accurately give your top two priorities? Could YOU?
The year has been chock full of every possible distraction, so it might be time to hunker down and ask what is a priority for me right now.
The Personal Connections!
Who do you miss the most? Relationships have suffered because we are out of sight and out of mind. Reach out and connect via Zoom or Facetime. Write a heartfelt note instead of sending packaged cards this holiday or plan an outdoor activity you can share. A brisk walk around a lake or downtown to see the lights is always fun and safe.
The JOB!
Is your work still meaningful? Will you continue to work from home? If you own the business, this means shedding office space and finding new ways to create cohesiveness among your team.
Rethinking our wardrobes has been high on the list for most who used to dress every day and go out into the world. Now we have discovered pajama bottoms and slippers’ comfort while wearing attractive clothing on top to meet our zoom cohorts.
The Home/Work Environment!
We carved out spaces for everything in our houses, so are you happy with the way it feels and looks? When everyone is working from home, is there enough bandwidth and mind-share to meet all the needs of your household? How can the space you have yield the privacy and suitable organization for your requirements?
Your Well-Being!
Have you gained the Covid Fifteen or Twenty-five pounds? What can you do to put your health back on track? Walking and moving more will make you feel better in every way. Avoid snacking at your desk and only eat in the kitchen. It will give you time to choose your food instead of grazing. Noom, the diet app, worked for me.
Many have not been attending church since March when everything shut down. There are many options online that are excellent. Reading Scripture and other faith literature is also a viable option. I have even offered a Bible Study via Zoom.
Be creative in every aspect of your life but set goals to move in the direction that YOU decide. Pivoting is the name of the game but be sure to keep the end you want to achieve in sight!
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