Monday February 22, 2021
I am offering you an acronym to remind us all to pause before we speak and ask, "Why Am I Talking?". Today it could be beneficial for us all to take a breath and listen BEFORE WE SPEAK. We hear people saying that we are all in the same boat when it comes to the pandemic or the weather craziness, but that could not be farther from the truth. We may all in the same storm, but our boats are vastly different. Some are in a dingy, while others are in a luxury suite on an ocean liner. We cannot compare our pandemic experience with someone in a nursing home or working at a Starbucks. The doctors and nurses work in the hospital, and teachers in the classroom face exposure daily while having our meals and groceries delivered. Some folks in Texas are dealing with unprecedented cold that has left them with no power, which caused their pipes to freeze and flood their homes. Their boats are sinking! How can we complain when we have a gas fireplace and plenty of gas in our grill to cook up food?
There is a time to reflect, and I think we all have a massive wake-up call to do just that! In embracing gratitude, we can approach our life with a reason to stop and be thankful. It is never easy to say thank you for what seems at the moment a GIANT pain in the butt. Inconveniences often prevent us from what we planned to accomplish. BUT what if that flat tire or dead battery prevented you from being in a car accident? People shared why they were not in the Twin Towers on 9/11 when the first plane hit because of circumstances beyond their control. One had a blister and stopped for Band-Aids. Another had to pick up donuts for the office party. Something they complained about having to do saved their lives.
When we approach every situation with an attitude of gratitude, we cannot be angry. It is impossible to be angry and grateful at the same time. So, the next time you are about to grumble about something, instead think of something that you are thankful for, and your whole life will be more joyful. Ask Why Am I Talking negatively? What good will come from me focusing on the circumstance that is out of my control? We can only change one thing! OURSELVES! Everything else is up to others and the God of the universe! The last time I checked, I am not in charge, and neither are YOU! Rejoice in that because the responsibility for keeping this planet rotating is beyond us. Having nothing positive to add to the situation calls for silence.
There are times when we need to state our opinions and speak up! Our expertise is needed, and our voice will bring calm and solace. We must never hold back when we can bring light to darkness and illuminate a solution. The danger only arises when our voice adds insult to injury! Today, let us ask ourselves to W. A. I. T. until we can bring positive clarification into the mix. Then people will be delighted to have you talking power into their lives.
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